Amazed there's a general consensus Spectre is the weaker contribution to the Craig Era. I absolutely adore it. One of my favourite Bond movies and fave films of all time [albeit part of a long list]. It's near perfect. Scenes aren't long. They breathe. Can just hear Ian Fleming describe the visuals as I watch. And I love the mouse! #mouselivesmatter

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In my humble opinion, it's the 'last third' of many Bond movies that often weakens them-----I very much like Spectre -the lighting, the mood, look, dialogue but once you got to 'Blofeld's lair' and you get into the 'Bond and woman' get captured in a super-lick high security hideout -get tortured but escape- aim one shot at a heat-pipe and the whole lair blows up' bit---and then Blofeld squats the MI6 Building and has the time to decorate rooms with blown up A3 prints of Bond's ex-girlfriends...it's like---whaaat? -all that slower, careful plotting has brought us to this? They should have junked the whole third act. And had a 'less spectacular' but more tense ending----- maybe the final boat/helicopter chase was enough.....but many Hollywood 'big' movies are 'a game of 'two-thirds....' and in the last third you feel like walking out----- 'No Time To Die was exactly the same----the last third was totally over-egged-----no more Bond-Villain- lairs---- write the ending first with out that- then write the prep ending scenes.... anything! x

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Having a favorite doesn’t automatically make other movies in the series lesser. I’ve enjoyed every film in the Daniel Craig era although I will admit to being disappointed with Bond dying in the last chapter. That seemed unnecessary.

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